Winter WonderLIGHTS

Bringing Christmas Carols to Life

Launch Fri December 13,
2024 at 6:30 pm
Parc Whitewater Park

Open for public viewing
December 14th
to January 2nd

  • Scheduled hours 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm nightly
  • Donations welcomed

Winter Wonderlights is our flagship attraction for Festival Noël. The primary intent of the project is based on two major themes; namely the Nativity and Christmas/Santa’s Village. The planning team’s vision is to bring the two themes to life through our most famous Christmas Carols.

Info: Gary J. Michalak (705) 918-1534‬ or

Naitivity Scene & Santa’s Village

  • Members of the Chevaliers de Colomb (11559 Ste. Agnes) welcomes you to this life size Nativity Scene that will be the centre piece of the diaplays at Whitewater Park.
  • Azilda Lions Club members welcome you to the miniature village built by the students of Collège Boréal from Bélanger Salach’s design.

Christmas Kiosks

  • Last but not least, the grounds will be alive with 64 panels representing classic 16 Christmas Carols, including 2 from home grown artists such as our own Chuck Labelle and Claude Lecuyer.
  • The songs will be playing in the background for your listening pleasure.